Game of Thrones Season 6 full HD
Welcome to Game of Thrones Season 6 - CRAMMED! This is where the show is now entirely ahead of the books and doing its own crazy thing. Thanks for all the subs and support, guys! Let’s go!
A chill predawn at Castle Black returns us to the body of Jon Snow (still dead), and Ser Davos makes the discovery with the last of Jon’s mates, who all hole up in one of the towers. Melisandre visits and despairs while Thorne and the traitor council take charge of the Night’s Watch, claiming to still be loyal to the cause against the Wildlings. Davos sends away Dolorous Edd to get help and delays Thorne and his men from coming to kill them, for now. He’s hoping the Red Woman can help, but we discover her true vulnerable crone form as she seems to lose hope in a moment of weakness.
Ramsay Bolton mourns over the body of his crazy dead girlfriend before having her fed to the dogs, and his father Roose warns him that without retrieving Sansa Stark back to Winterfell, he won’t be of any use as heir to the North. She and Theon struggle in their freezing escape, knowing that it’s better to risk death than go back. Theon tries to lure away the pursuit, but both are caught. However, Brienne charges in on horseback with Pod, and a fight ensues. It’s a grim affair in the cold, but they both prevail with a little help from Greyjoy. As stubborn as ever, the Lady of Tarth tries once again to swear herself into Sansa’s service. This time, she accepts!
Down in King’s Landing, Cersei and her new haircut are excited about Princess Myrcella’s return from Dorne. But joy turns to ash as Ser Jaime brings in her corpse. She later recounts the Witches’ prophecy of losing her children (now the only good one has died), but Jaime remains a rock for his sister. In Dorne (for anyone who cares), the Sand Snakes continue to take over by killing Prince Martell in a coup that it seems everybody wanted, and Princess Trystane is killed out at sea.
Ugh! Over in the Great Sept, Queen Margaery is miserable in her cell, but the High Sparrow comes in to play a little bit of good cop to see if she’d like to confess, and she’s not sure what to do! And right over in Meereen, this lady thinks that Tyrion wants to eat her baby, and he listens in with Varys to the fear on the streets and the tension in the air. But those pesky Sons of the Harpy have already made their next move and set fire to the ports. Ser Jorah and Daario are out on Dany’s trail and set to follow after the Khalasar horde that took her. It’s already heading out of the grasslands with its new captive, thinking her an exotic slave. But Dany explains to the Dothraki that she can understand what they’re saying and, as well as being Queen, she’s also Khaleesi. Discount Drogo comes to believe her, but Dany’s not free; they’re going to take her to Vaes Dothrak, where the wives of dead Khals are meant to live out their lives.
And Arya is blind and slumming it on the streets of Braavos, and the Waif is still coming to visit from time to time to bully/train/bully her. Yay? The Three-Eyed Raven (now played by Dr. Kynes) continues to teach Bran to see into the past. They watch his father Ned as a child among his own siblings, including Ned’s sister Lyanna Stark. And oh look, it’s a young Hodor who knows how to talk! But that’s enough reminiscing for now, because it’s back to living amongst the ancient roots with Hodor and Meera. She’s a bit bummed out by the death of her brother and being all cooped up, but one of the Children of the Forest implies that Bran will need her in the war to come.
And time’s up! Because Ser Alliser Thorne has come to kill the last of the men loyal to Jon Snow, but Dolorous Edd has rallied the Wildlings that Jon saved last season, and they take the Castle with minimal force before the traitors surrender and get thrown into cells. Tormund is sad to see Jon go, but Ser Davos convinces Melisandre to try to use her red powers to return him back to life just like Thoros of Myr did with Beric Dondarrion. It’s not her specialty, however, and Jon very much remains dead… Syke!
Down on the streets of King’s Landing, this cheeky chap tells a bawdy tale about the actions of the incest Queen, but free speech isn’t a thing around here, and the new zombie guard dog that Qyburn got her is a monster that’s feared even by the King’s own Lannister men. Young King Tommen has had no idea what to do since the Walk of Shame, so Jaime steps up with some life advice and tells him to visit his mother. The High Sparrow pops in on the vigil, bold as brass, and Jaime is real close to killing him for what he’s been up to. But the Sparrows have his crew close to hand with nothing to lose. Tommen takes his uncle-daddy’s advice and visits Cersei to make amends. She’s pretty broken up and distant, but Tommen knows he’s not been strong and wants her back on his side.
News in Meereen is that both the cities of Astapor and Yunkai have been retaken by the slavers. Tyrion argues for the dragons to be unchained and pops down for a visit. They don’t burn the hand that frees them, thankfully, but Tyrion knows when he’s been pushing his luck. Arya is continuing her blind beating sessions but refuses to give up when Jaqen H’ghar offers her a lovely life with her sight restored. So instead, she’s taken back into the Temple of Black and White.
Lord Roose Bolton is still not happy about Sansa’s escape, and uh-oh, fat Walda has just given birth to a new heir! So Ramsay just cuts his losses and kills his father to assume command of his House, and then kills off his step-mum and the competition by having them torn apart by dogs. Brienne tells Sansa that she saw Arya out and about on her travels back in Season 4 and reconfirms with Theon that Bran and Rickon are also alive out there somewhere. They’re going to meet up with Jon at Castle Black, but Theon wants to return to the Iron Islands, where Yara Greyjoy thinks it’s time to finally give up invading the North because they’ve lost all their captured castles and they’re only really formidable at sea. Her Lord Father disagrees, but outside, his brother has returned from sailing across the world: Euron Greyjoy. He’s got big mad-person plans and can’t be doing with any family in his way. The Iron Islanders don’t immediately know who killed their King, and Damphair says it’s time for a Kingsmoot, where all the captains get together to decide who’s going to be the next ruler.
So Jon Snow lives again! Which is weird for everybody involved, and Melisandre is stunned, believing him now to be Azor Ahai! Jon feels pretty bad about being murdered, but Ser Davos gives him encouragement to keep going. In the courtyard, the men are glad to see he’s still Jon inside! And once things have settled, it’s time to hang the traitors—can’t believe they used to be mates. And that’s about enough cold grim bullshit for Jon to deal with in one go. So he makes Dolorous Edd the new Lord Commander at Castle Black and gets to leave the Night’s Watch, as he did technically die in service. Sam and Gilly update—they’re sailing over to Oldtown with some stops on the way, and one’s
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